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Friday, April 4, 2014

Pentagon to Test Hypersonic Missile in August

Lt. Gen. David L. Mann, commander, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command announced that US will
conduct the second test of one of its hyper-sonic missiles in August.
The Advanced Hyper-sonic Weapon (AWH) is part of the U.S. military’s conventional prompt global strike (CPGS)
program, which aims to give Washington the ability to strike any target on earth with a conventional warhead with a
speed of Mach 5 or about 3,600 mph within an hour’s time.
The AWH was first tested back in November 2011. It was launched at the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai,
Hawaii and traveled about 2,500 miles in about a half hour before reaching its target at the Reagan Test Site, U.S. Army
Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

At the time of the test back in 2011, the Pentagon said: “A three-stage booster system launched the AHW glide vehicle
and successfully deployed it on the desired flight trajectory. The vehicle flew a non-ballistic glide trajectory at hyper-sonic speed to the planned impact location at the Reagan Test Site. Space, air, sea, and ground platforms collected vehicle
performance data during all phases of flight.”
The AWH missile would be an integral part of the U.S. military’s efforts to overcome China’s anti-access/area denial
(A2/AD) strategy, given its ability to operate at far distances, penetrate contested environments and strike with
precision. However, the U.S. also has to contend with Chinese and Russian programs to develop hyper-sonic missiles.

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