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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Captured BSF Jawan to be Returned by Pakistan Tomorrow

A jawan with the Border Security Force (BSF) in Jammu who was captured and arrested by Pakistani troops for allegedly straying across the border will be returned tomorrow, said the Press Trust of India citing unnamed sources.

“Yes, we have arrested an Indian border security official. He is currently under investigation and being treated very well,” said Tasnim Aslam, a spokeswoman for the Foreign Office in Islamabad. “A contact between the militaries of two countries was made yesterday and another contact is expected soon.
If he is not linked with any matter harming our security, and appears clear in the investigation, he may be released after complete investigation of the matter,” she added.
The trooper, identified as Satyasheel Yadav, was part of a team patrolling the River Chenab on Wednesday when the engine of the motorboat failed.
While attempting to climb into a rescue boat, the jawan fell into the river and was pushed by strong currents onto the Pakistani side where he was taken into custody.

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