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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

BMW, Toyota to Collaborate on Hybrid Sportscar

The first fruit of an alliance between BMW and Toyota will be a two-seat sports car that will bring performance-boosting supercapacitor technology to a series-production model for the first time.

The Toyota-BMW partnership has been making the news recently. So I decided To Post About it. To bring you up to speed, BMW and Toyota announced that they have signed a technical partnership between them. Toyota will stand to benefit when BMW will share its diesel technology. BMW on the other hand will get benefits from the Hybrid technology, which already exists and Toyota has in a way mastered it. Toyota makes great petrol engines but if you see their market stance globally, their diesels have a lot of room for improvement. Honda now has its own lineup of diesel engines. Toyota needs diesel engines to survive in markets like India, China and Brazil. So this partnership is great for both the car manufacturers.

They reveal one thing; Toyota is helping BMW develop the new Z4. Yes, indeed. The new BMW z4 is expected to be lighter, shorter, nimble and more efficient than the current one. It may may use the hybrid power train borrowed or co-developed from the Toyota – Lexus group.

Toyota is aiming for a joint project in the development of battery-powered cars, Yasumori Ihara, a senior managing officer, said today at a Tokyo press conference. BMW will supply Toyota with 1.6-liter and 2-liter engines for the Japanese company’s models in Europe starting in 2014.
Under its new “i” sub-brand, BMW plans to introduce its first electric-powered model, the i3 city car, later this year. The vehicle will be followed by the i8 plug-in hybrid sports car, which is scheduled to go on sale in 2014.

The sportscar will be one of a series of future BMW-Toyota projects to use common engineering solutions and shared components, according to officials. Shared platform structures and contemporary new hybrid drivelines are also planned.

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