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Friday, March 21, 2014

Review of Need for Speed (Movie)

Need for Speed

It was highly awaited movie as the game series was very successful. "Need for Speed" taps into what makes the American myth of the open road so enticing. Aaron Paul's performance is more of a serial killer as he speaks very less and likes to put foot on metal. The plot is about as thin as the wisp of air between vehicles swishing past each other on a narrow highway, and the actors say empty-headed things like 'We'll settle this behind the wheel.' It can be considered as worst video game adaption .

 Only driving is interesting ,there is no story or plot of the movie. if an attempt to try and make a good storyline to the film would have been made, then this film really would have been good. As it is, it fails in every aspect of its execution, and it ends up being a waste of time. Hopefully Aaron Paul will pick a better film to act in, in the future as his talent is wasted on such an awful movie.

I Rate it 2/5

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